Gastric sleeve surgery, sometimes also referred to as sleeve gastrectomy surgery or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular weight loss solution because it is designed to help you to feel fuller, thus eliminating your desire to eat as much or as often.
Minimally Invasive Sleeve Gastrectomy
What is a Gastric Sleeve?
During gastric sleeve surgery, small incisions are made in the upper abdomen. The majority of the left part of the stomach is removed to make the stomach smaller, which provides a number of benefits. The remaining part of the stomach is a narrow tube. This tube is called a sleeve.
After your surgical procedure, your digestive system will not change. The intestines and stomach will still operate the same way, but significantly less food will make your stomach feel full and leave you satisfied when you’re eating.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
NY and NYC gastric sleeve patients lose a significant amount of weight from their surgery and live longer healthier lives. In addition, they are supported by a team of experts that works to ensure each patient has a comfortable, positive, and supported journey from the first phone call to their success at hitting their health and weight loss goals.
Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery is a simpler procedure to perform than gastric bypass, resulting in lower complications and faster recovery times. With the sleeve, approximately 70-80 percent of your stomach is stapled off and removed, leaving a much smaller stomach behind. Because we are not changing the gastrointestinal tract, it decreases the chances of complications like vitamin deficiencies that occur with gastric bypass surgery. Patients can lose weight similar to gastric bypass surgery, over a significantly shorter time.
One reason our Long Island gastric sleeve surgery results are so positive is that we take out a section of your stomach that produces a hormone called Ghrelin. Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone. It stimulates feelings of hunger, so when we remove this portion of the stomach, our patients find their hunger levels drop, and it is easier to eat less. Additionally, we are removing about 70 – 80% of your stomach so the stomach is able to hold a smaller volume of food. For this reason, patients tend to eat less and feel full more quickly.
Another benefit of this surgery is that your stomach will continue functioning normally. As a result, you can still eat most of your favorite foods with no worries about suffering from dumping syndrome, which is characterized by abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms. You also do not have to worry about foreign bodies implanted in you, as with lap band surgery.
Positive Results
One reason our New York & New Jersey gastric sleeve results are so positive is when we do the operation, we take out a section of your stomach that produces a hormone called Ghrelin. Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone. It stimulates feelings of hunger, so when we remove this portion of the stomach, our patients find their hunger levels drop, and it is easier to eat less. Additionally, we are removing about 70 – 80% of your stomach, so the stomach is able to hold a smaller volume of food. For this reason, patients tend to eat less and feel full more quickly.
Another reason patients like the sleeve surgery is that the stomach will continue to function normally. Because of this, you can still eat most of your favorite foods with no worry about suffering from a side-effect called dumping syndrome, which sometimes happens after gastric bypass surgery.
Dumping syndrome is characterized by abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms.
Disadvantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
While the sleeve gastrectomy is generally very well tolerated, it has a slightly higher complication rate than the adjustable gastric banding procedure, due to the risk of leaks from the staple lines.
The gastric sleeve procedure is also irreversible. Any form of gastric surgery carries risks; we are happy to go over these with you and you may ask any questions you might have so that you can feel confident about your weight loss procedure decision.
We do these operations because when the patients are chosen carefully—and the surgeons are as experienced as the ones at New York Bariatric Group—the benefits outweigh the risks.
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery states that “after surgery, most patients return to work in one or two weeks. You will have low energy for a while after surgery and may need to have some half days, or work every other day for your first week back. Your surgeon will give you clear instructions.” Towards the end of the first four weeks, you can expect to resume eating solid foods and engaging in more strenuous exercise with the approval of your surgeon. During your recovery process, you should be performing light exercises such as gentle walks to stimulate blood circulation and speed your recovery.
Next Step
We are happy to go over the risks and benefits of the sleeve procedure with you, so you can ask any questions you have and ultimately feel confident about your weight loss procedure decision. If you’re looking for gastric sleeve gastrectomy near you, it’s good for you to know that most insurances will cover the gastric sleeve. Our insurance experts will verify your benefits for you free of charge. If you do not have insurance coverage, we can explain financing options for you
Thanks to the combination of our expertise, cutting-edge technology, and unparalleled skills, we have achieved successful gastric sleeve results time and time again, and we can deliver these same results to you. Gastric sleeve gastrectomy is just one of many options you have for bariatric surgical procedures.